Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cleaning Spree

Before you get too impressed, my whole house is not spotless yet, but it is a work in progress. I have actually been putting at least a good hour (with the exception of this weekend) into cleaning up in my house. It has been nice to know that I am working on it. My major goals for this week are: getting the girls closet organized, they grow so fast it is hard to keep up on what they fit into and what they don't anymore. Also, getting my personal closet organized. I generally go through my closet every 6 months or so and get rid of things I don't wear anymore but I am pretty sure I have not done this since I have been married. So going on two years. I am going to fold our massive pile of laundry and do the massive pile of dishes we have from Trevor cleaning out the fridge. Oh, and I am going to clean our carpets. Lastly I plan on keeping up on what I have already cleaned to keep it clean. 

I think that my reason for wanting to keep up on cleaning lately has been because I bought some fun cleaning products on Thursday. I know I am weird for thinking that cleaning products are fun but I really do. I love seeing them work. Some of the things I bought are Clorox Toilet bowl cleaner, it is way important to me to have a clean toilet. Some yummy Febreze smellers, these are a must. I love walking into a good smelling house. The last product was Resolve, a carpet cleaner you can just vacuum up. My carpets have not been cleaned since we have lived here and I now have babies that are getting ready to crawl so I don't want them getting germs from my carpets, or eating bugs or something. 

So hopefully this cleaning spree will keep up!!! 


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