Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The stress of things.....

Lately, I seemed to be very overwhelmed by everything it seems!!! Most of it deals with the babies and not feeling prepared for their arrival, which is hopefully a good 2 months away but nobody really knows!!! Trevor and I are trying to move before they come and we keep bouncing between options, rent a house or rent an apartment. I think we have narrowed it down, but sometimes I feel so pushy because I will bug Trevor about it and I'm sure he wants to duck tape my mouth or something but I know I will feel SOOOO much better once were settled. So I'm grateful for his patience with all these pregnancy hormones that have not been so kind to me. I also would really like to get the bedding done for the babies cribs but I don't know what I want. There are some I like at stores but they are all so expensive, so I picked up a pattern at JoAnns but I fear that my skill st sewing is far too lacking for a project like this. It looks fairly simple but then I wonder if it doesn't look all professional like the stores will I like it. Then there is the debate of the theme I want. For years I have wanted to do Noah's Ark and now that I know I'm having girls I'm seeing pink everywhere, and I'm not really big on pink. Oh the frustration!!! Trevor and I(mostly me, Trevor was more interested in the camping isle located not too far from the baby stuff, but he pretended) went to do our registry at Target and I was SO overwhelmed. Which brand of bottles do I want? Which pacifiers are the best? Which breast pump do I want? Since my sister in law said "Don't go cheap on the breast pump!" Which formula is good? Then I found myself putting things on the list that I need but I don't need the exact one I put on the registry I just need some kind of that thing.
The next big thing I find myself getting overwhelmed with is our room. For anyone who knows me well enough, you know I'm the queen of "ugh, I hate the way that outfit makes me look!" and then I pile it all on my floor. Well with that pile and the massive loads of laundry I did right after our camping trip and the little ones since then I have A LOT of laundry to put away. BUT both of mine and Trevor's least favorite thing to do is put away laundry. So during the day I put it all on the bed and start some folding but get distracted and then when were ready for bed that night we scoop up all the laundry and put it back into the laundry basket that's become its home!So I have been trying to dedicate 30 minutes every morning to picking up our room. The other morning I tackled the bathroom, and I feel so nice going into a clean bathroom everyday!!! The Spirit really does dwell more in a clean room. I used to think that was just my mom's way of convincing me to clean my room but I guess she was right. SHHHH! Don't tell her though, she is always complaining about how she has so much wisdom and all her kids do is the opposite of what she wants!!! ;p
I have been so sad that I'm not taking classes this semester but with how much easier I'm getting overwhelmed it's probably a good thing, but I am missing the feeling of a college classroom and the smell of the books!!! :) OH well


  1. LOL You make me smile Kate :) Take everything one day at a time, get a blessing and don't forget to breath (I want to see my cute nieces, my first nieces)

  2. Kate, I love you! You could buy one kind of bottles and one kind of pacifiers and they could hate the kind you want. It's not worth it to stress out over the little stuff (then your blood pressure is sure to rise). Like Cindy said, take it a day at a time. Maybe when I come out I'll help you fold laundry. At least it's one thing checked off the list, right?

  3. Hi :o)

    I had no idea you were blogging! This makes me so happy! Congratulations on twins! That is so exciting!

    With Ryan, I spent hours of time looking online at crib bedding. I could never find the exact thing I wanted. I eventually made my own and LOVED it. Looking back though, I would have just bought a plain crib bumper and sewn my own material on it (rather than making the ties, sewing the batting, etc)... that would have saved me a lot of late nights.

    Brandon and I will be in town the weekend of Oct 15th and we would love to visit you (and if you still haven't tackled the bedding, I'd be happy to help)! Hope all is well! Love, Lace

    P.S. Here is our blog address:


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