I can’t believe that it is already the middle of October. Ask me if I feel any more prepared for my little ones? The answer is NO!!!! In fact I am more freaked out. The bedding is so not ready, still no mattresses for their cribs. Although, that will more than likely happen this weekend because I know I’m driving Trevor CrAzY asking him when we’re going to take care of that. Our apartment is not fully put away or decorated yet, I work on it little by little but I get so worn out so fast these days. Plus every time I feel like the apartment is at least clean I have to make dinner or it’s time to clean the bathroom again. It is a never ending job I suppose!!! Trevor has been SO busy at work lately since he is now the only one that does his job, so we don’t see too much of each other. He goes to bed pretty early most days and I just don’t get tired till later. So it often feels like I’m going to bed and then he’s getting up for work and then I sleep in more than usually lately because I am just physically exhausted. I haven’t been working a lot lately because it is just getting too hard to stand on my feet and hold all this weight in the front of me while doing hair. So with me not working as much it has probably been hard on my customers because they all want their hair done before I have the babies and I want to help them out but I’m not always feeling up to it. Other than all that, there is not much going on in our lives, just waiting patiently or not so patiently in my case. I want these babies to stay cooking and get ready for this outside world but I am SO ready to hold them in my arms and not my tummy!!!
My baby shower is next weekend at 10:30 at my Mom’s house so if you’re interested in coming, feel free to come on over!!! I am excited it should be a good time!!! 
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