This is a much needed update!!! I have been slightly busy lately and have fallen behind!!! I could say that it is my new years resolution to keep up to date on my blog but I’m not entirely sure I can keep that resolution. Blogging is hard to keep up on when you don’t have internet at your place of residence, but don’t worry I beg Trevor for it on the daily!!!
Well since my last post I have had my baby shower which was a lot of fun and presents. I got LOTS of stuff I needed!!! I spent my first night in the hospital with a gallbladder attack, which was so painful it sent me into pre-term labor at 34 weeks pregnant. Luckily the doctors were able to stop my labor and I carried the twins another two weeks. I have also become a mother, which has been one of the best things that ever happened to me. Audrey Katherine Burns and Riley Kristine Burns were born on November 23, 2010. Audrey was born first at 6:37p.m. she weighed 5lbs 8oz, next came Riley born at 6:38 p.m. she weighed 6lbs 4oz. I had a c-section, which was probably the most interesting experience of my life. I walked down to the O.R. and they had Trevor wait outside as I went into get prepped. The O.R. was like a giant refrigerator, it was SOOO cold. I had to hop up on the operating table; it seemed too small to hold anyone!!! They gave me an epidural to numb me, which was painful and then they laid me down and I kept wiggling me toes so they wouldn’t start the surgery before I was numb. Before I knew it they were delivering the babies. The whole process was fairly easy but the recovery after was the worst. Right after the babies were born they showed each of them to me and then whisked them away to the NICU and Trevor went with them. I didn’t see any of them for 3 hours. Longest 3 hours of my life! During these 3 hours they sewed me up and brought me back to my room, where I only stayed for a few hours and then they moved me to the recovery room and everyone was taking turns to go see the babies in the NICU. They released the babies an hour later and let them spend the night with us. Which was such a blessing, I was so concerned they would have to spend lots of time in the NICU since they did come a month early. They were released from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day but I was not so we all stayed until Friday. They will be 2 months old on Tuesday I can’t believe it has already been that long. They are wonderful little babies, they are sweet and good eaters and sleepers. They sleep a good 6 to 7 hours a night, hopefully that will just continue to grow. They love bath time!!! They are just now filling out their newborn clothes and they still wear newborn diapers, so they are pretty tiny, but they are starting to get really good at holding up their heads. Such big girls!!! I cannot imagine my life without them I am absolutely in love with them!!!
Here are a few pictures I took when they were like a week old!!!

Riley is on the left and Audrey on the right!!!
It was almost feeding time so they were starting to get hungry and since they were so close they latched onto echothers noses!!! It was the cutest thing ever!!!

Kate, (this is Laura.. Trevor's cousin.) You're babies are so beautiful! I can't even fathom having 2 at the same time. My hat is off to you and Trev, along with a standing ovation. Congrats.
ReplyDeleteGlad you posted so I can catch up with your life!! haha Baby girls are beautiful!!!