Lately, I have been………. Well , I guess you could say obsessed with schedules. I have had the girls on a schedule for about 3 months or so and it is a total life saver. I pretty much know what they need and when they need it. SO, I know when they need to eat and sleep. I know some of you are probably thinking I’m a little crazy but seriously let’s think about this. TWO babies progressing at the same rate on different schedules……….. my life would be constantly devoted to one babies needs or the others. So I do this schedule firstly for them, babies do great with routine, they are always super happy. Secondly, so I can do things like: shower, housework, blog, have time with my husband, etc. It is perfect I never feel like I don’t have time to do the things that make me, me. Anyways after that long introduction I am working on a new schedule, since I am so fond of them. It is one for my house work. I have a tendency of getting overwhelmed and feeling like I have to do ALL of my house work if I start any house work at all. So I am going to pick days that certain things need to get done. I think it is going to go something like this.
- Sunday- Day of Rest!!!
- Monday- Clean Kitchen. Do dishes/ Pick up front room/ dinning room. Vacuum
- Tuesday- Laundry day. Cleaned. Put away and hung up.
- Wednesday- Clean Bathrooms/ Dust
- Thursday- Clean Kitchen. Do dishes.
- Friday- Vacuum/ Pick up/ Declutter if needed.
- Saturday- Do dishes
All part of my plan to become a better house wife. Keep an eye out for new recopies I will try and soon post……….. cooking is a DEFINITE work in progress might I add.

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