Thursday, November 3, 2011


The sacred grove..... this place is just so incredible!!!

    In a world where many people are faithless and non- believers, I am grateful that I know there is a God in Heaven. I know this with such assurance that the very thought of it brings me to tears because it's impact in my life is so magnificent. I look around, and yes I see pain, misery, and suffering and I don't understand it's reason any more than anyone else but I also look around and see something much greater. I see happiness amongst the hardships, I see love and understanding. I see families!!! If my entire world were to collapse around me I would still be in absolute wonder by the joy that families bring. Perhaps I am the only person who is in awe over this small, yet incredible miracle but I think that it is no small coincidence that a mother loves her child instantaneously. So this being said I am grateful for a Father in Heaven that loves me, and has blessed me with many things, one of the greatest gifts being a family.

Sorry for the late post I really wrote this yesterday but I forgot to post it.

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