Monday, October 10, 2011

I am related to someone talented

In reality I am related to many talented people, I am actually one of least talented people I know!!! Hahahaha. No seriously though, I am one of those people that really has no specific talent I just enjoy lots of different things. For instance, I like to craft and sew when the mood strikes me, I enjoying doing hair most days, I love blogging but I am obviously inconsistent, and I sing all the time but most people never know that! So see talentless, although mother lovingly teases me but I think she may really believe that I only have a talent for producing twins!

  Back to the actual reason for this post, my little sisters are very talented! My middle younger sister is a beautiful dancer, and incredibly bright and has that ability to do what she knows is right. She is actually not the sister I am blogging about tonight, although I think I may be blogging about her soon too. I am actually blogging about my youngest sister, to whom I am fabulously jealous of her creative talents. she is always doing crafts, putting together the most amazing outfits, and generating music. So I am going to attempt to attach some videos I took of her playing some of the arrangements and medley's she has written herself. I secretly am taking credit for the idea that she do medley's and that one of them should include "Come thou font," but the rest is all her!!!

I could only upload one..... sorry. Sometimes blogger makes me so mad!

Also, be watching for mine and Hannah's little blog to be up and running soon. You will be able to purchase some of her creations and we'll be selling some things on ebay that will be worth checking out!  
Coming soon to a blog near you......


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I got to hear her in church yesterday, she did wonderful!! And she always has the most awesome outfits on!!


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