Monday, October 17, 2011

Is it worth it?

Last night Trevor and I were invited over to a couple in our ward's house to get to know one another and play some board games. While we were there having fun and talking and our kids were playing together we started talking about Church with children. Just a little background on my kids........ my girls have been on a really consistent schedule for like 6 months now! Napping around 11 till 1, in our old ward they napped during sacrament meeting and sunday school. In our new ward, that starts, at 12:30, we have been putting them down for a nap around 10 and waking them up around 12 to get to church. Since, obviously, church is right after their nap time they have had TONS of energy the last two weeks in church and Sundays have been basically miserable. I can't remember one thing that was uplifting or made me feel the Spirit! I was too busy trying to contain the children that wanted to be put on the floor and passed between Trevor and I over and over again.

Anyways this is kind of what we were talking about......... Why do we even go to Church if our children make it utterly impossible to be uplifted and inspired, in fact there are weeks where I feel even more frustrated after taking them to church!!! Trevor suggested that we go to receive the sacrament, of course I see the apparent blessings of that but I think there is more to it than that. I know that the we are blessed for our efforts!!! I think there are times in all of our lives where we are just going through the motions because it's all we can do, whether that hardship is because of loss or just the lot that we have been given. I truly know that the Lord knows our hearts and intentions and sometimes all we can do is the best we can. I think about the word endure, in a regular old dictionary it means to suffer patiently or tolerate, there are times when I know that this is the type of enduring that I am doing. Why do we subject ourselves to "patiently suffering" or "tolerating" things? For me, it is because of what I know my Heavenly Father has promised me if I do these things and because I know that, it makes "enduring" have so much more meaning than those that I listed above. To me, it becomes more of what I am expected to do and even what I enjoy doing. Obviously, it doesn't always feel easy or fun but I know that I am being blessed for enduring and that my Heavenly Father is well pleased with those who put forth the effort even when they are not getting out of it what they wish they were! That being said, Endure to the End!!!


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